Friday, March 9, 2012


Hello -

I have a report based on a query that currently uses the = operator and I'd like to change it to the LIKE operator and allow a wildcard...using the %.

So...from something like, "....WHERE zipcode = @.ZipCode" to "...WHERE zipCode = @.zipCode plus the wildcard character.

Is this possible?


- will

You cannot do it direcly from query , You can write procedure and then call this procedure from report.

alter procedure TestReport(

@.param varchar(20)



declare @.SQLstring as nvarchar(200)

set @.SQLstring='select getdate() where zipcode like ''%'+@.zipcode+'%'''

exec sp_executesql @.SQLstring;


Will Durning wrote:

Hello -

I have a report based on a query that currently uses the = operator and I'd like to change it to the LIKE operator and allow a wildcard...using the %.

So...from something like, "....WHERE zipcode = @.ZipCode" to "...WHERE zipCode = @.zipCode plus the wildcard character.

Is this possible?


- will

You can very well achieve this in the query itself. Eg: select * from <table-name> where <column-name> like '%' + @.column-name + '%'


Thanks for the replies.

I ended up using a stored procedure and just concatenate the '%' to the incoming parameter. I could not get it to work with an inline sql query in my report....and besides, I was planning on using stored procs anyway.

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