Friday, March 30, 2012

Page break and subreports

I have a main report that calls subreports. When a subreport has enough data such that it will not fit into the remaining area of the current page the renderer inserts a page break leaving alot of ugly white space. Is there any way to sop this behaviour? This seems like a very basic thing.

not sure is this is the exact reason, but are u using 8.5 * 11 layout for subreport also, if yes u need to decrease it as per your req. because a ful page cannot be accomodated in a page and so ssrs inserts a page break




All of the subreports and the main report for that matter are 8.5 x 11 but what would I change them to? Let me give you an example of my problem. Lets say the first sub report takes up three inches of the first page when rendered. If the second sub report takes up less than the remaining space (5.5 inches) it prints on the same page otherwise it page breaks and starts on a new page. Since the subreports can vary in rendered length depending on data I have no idea what their size will be.

Another thread stated that subreports operate under and assumed KeepTogether. While this may explain what is happening it does not resolve the issue.

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