Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Overwriting the backup media

Is there a command to overwrite the backup mdeia (I tried the NOSKIP
option but that doesn't serve the purpose). I want the command equivalent to the checkbox in the backup window that says "Overwrite existing media".
Thanks.don't know in which languagebut if you're using sqLDMO
in VB it's like this...

dim oBackup as new SQLDMO.Backup

oBackup.initialize = true

(This will put the backupdevice to 'overwrite')|||To over write using the BACKUP command, you need to specify 'SKIP, INIT' If you want to oblitirate the backup AND any other backupsets written across the tape (stripped set) then use FORMAT. Let us know if you are still having problems.|||Hi Paul,

That seems to work.
Thanks a lot.

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