Monday, February 20, 2012

Overlapping partitions and join filters

I am using Sql 2005 and merge replication with push subscriptions. I have several dynamic join filters on some of my tables.

The join filters all use a central table that maps say a server location name (something that is returned from HOTNAME() in my case) to an for a store branch ID. This is a retail system database.

When I add a new new subscription I update this table with the new server location name and it's corresponding branch ID. My filtered tables all have a foreign key in them that is the branch ID. I can then effectively join from the server location name to a Branch ID.

What I have noticed is that if I update one row in the map table, sql server will re-generate all partitioned rows for all subscribers, even for rows that haven't been updated.

The net result is that when I add a subscription, my existing subscriptions all get about 52,000 row updates.

Am I seeing this because I said my partitions will overlap when I created the table articles?

Thanks for any help


Graham, you always ask the toughest questions

Are you "updating" or "inserting" the central table? If you're updating, are you moving rows from one partition to another?


Hi Greg,

I am updating the central table. The data is not moving partitions either. I see it even when I update the talb eon a row that doesn't have a partition yet, i.e. there are no subscriptions that would cause a match in the filter.


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